Managing income risk
Life is a full of choices and you need to face the results of the choice that you have made whether it was a wise decision or not. Each choice has a risk, and we will learn to manage our future risk as we continue to have experiences in decision making. To be honest, I don’t yet know where I will choose to work, how much I will earn after my graduation this semester. And, those conditions would impact my consumption spending when I decide to work in certain places. Before I have decided to come to U of I, I was a student of Missouri Academy of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science (MASMC). MASMC is the STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) school where students are mainly taught STEM courses and some humanity and English courses. MASMC is an early-college program where high school juniors and seniors can take classes at Northwest Missouri State University and earn around 60 college credits and high school diploma upon graduation. The tuition for MASMC wa...