Successful Team
According to Bolman and Deal in “Reframing Organization”, there are several team configurations: One Boss, Dual Authority, Simple Hierarchy, Circle Network, and All-Channel Network. Each team configuration has benefits and weakness. The top authority of organization would choose one configuration that would work best for them, since team configuration has a great impact on team's success and each members' authorities and responsibilities. It is quite sad for me to say that I do not have been part of a successful team in my college experience. It might because I haven’t worked or interned in some companies which are usually highly structured organizations. When I took ECON 460 (Financial Economics) at U of I, I had to work with four other students who are taking the course for group project. We had to analyze the payout policies for the certain firm, recommend a better payout policies, and present it to classmates and the professor. Our team configuration is All-Channel Ne...