
Opportunism is “taking advantage of circumstances”. With the definition of opportunism, one would think that “wise” people would act opportunistically since it is an additional benefit for them. However, there are some people who don’t act opportunistically because they would want to be a “good citizen” or their opportunistic action is considered unethical.

In class, we discussed an example of being a “good citizen.” Good citizens (students) would help students who are enrolled later in the course to figure out what is going on in the class since they have been in class from the beginning, and they know what is going on in the class. That action is not required but as a good citizen, students would help others to get caught up in the class. Also, voting is an example of good citizen’s behavior. Voting for presidential election isn’t required but good citizen would vote and express one’s thought for the better society.

Taking advantage can be considered unethical in a sense of it was solely due to one’s self-interest and that act directly or indirectly cause disadvantage to others. On the other hands, if one takes advantage of circumstances, and it doesn’t cause any disadvantages to others, that action is ethical, and it is a wise decision to take advantages since such opportunities are rare.

I would like to give an example from my friend who didn’t act opportunistically. During summer, he was interned in some company in South Korea. In South Korea, it is hard for college student interns to get involved in projects with team manager unlike in the United States. The duty for most interns in South Korea would be running errands such as typing and making a coffee for their superiors. I am not saying that internship in South Korea is not worthy, since they will learn and experience actual atmosphere of that company. The point that I would like to make is that interns should grab opportunities and ask their managers for more tasks to do. If their managers think that intern is capable of doing so, managers would assign actual tasks to the intern, but those tasks are not naturally given in Korean companies as an intern.

My friend was given an opportunity to be involved in his team manager’s project and his name would be on projects which could be even better experience that he could write in his resume. His manager asked my friend to be part of his project because the other intern who was supposed to be part of that project was ill and was absent for the work few days. He said that he felt some kinds of guilt if he took his chance to be part of that project while the other intern was not present in the workplace. In my friend’s perspective, he wanted to act like a good citizen. He didn’t want to steal the other intern’s opportunity. Even though it was not technically stealing since the manager asked my friend to be part of it, he waited until the other intern recovered to come back to the company and worked on team manager’s project. However, in my perspective, I think he should have been part of the manager’s project. I believe that it is a good citizen to work in manager’s project instead of the other intern who was absent for few days. It would be more efficient for the manager to work on projects few days earlier with my friend and finish the project in advance. And, I believe that is the reason why the manager asked my friend if he wants to be part of his project. In addition, since the manager asked my friend, it is not unethical to be part of the project. There were unfortunate circumstances for that intern who was ill, and my friend could take an advantage of that circumstance. Some might say that my perspective is self-interested to do so, but acting opportunistically naturally involves self-interest and I don’t think it is bad unless it actually abuses others.

Opportunities are not given often. When opportunities arise, I believe that one should take that opportunities. It is true that one is patient then other opportunities will be given in some future. However, it is uncertain that opportunities will arise in the future, and one will have chance to take that opportunities. So, I think that people should take opportunities unless it is unethical to do so.


  1. The story you told about your friend was interesting, but it missed some contextual issues that would have helped to understand things better. Was the project delayed when your friend decided to wait till the other intern was healthy? If it was delayed, isn't that creating some harm just by doing that? So while I can understand not wanting to hurt the other intern, was their harm done to the manager and the rest of the team?

    The way you told the story, it was implicit that there was no harm. But I'm not sure that's right. One would need to hear the manager's perspective to better understand this.

    Also, getting back to how you set this up by saying that interns in Korea typically just run errands and don't do real work, do internships in Korea last for more than one summer? Say a student interns after the sophomore year and again after the junior year. If so, would the second time around involve more responsibility for the intern?

    Alternatively, there is another student in our class who previously served in the Korean military. I assume that would make him older than most other students in the class. Would a student with prior military experience get a different position as an intern? Or would such a student be treated just like other students who have yet to serve in the military?

    1. I didn't clarify that the project was delayed due to the intern was ill. Because of other intern's illness, the project was delayed for few days while the intern wasn't present at the company. And, I mentioned in the post that it would be better for my friend to work in a project instead of the other intern in manager's perspective since the manager could have finished the project earlier if my friend was the part of the project.

      I agree with you that there was a harm caused by my friend to manager and I think I briefly analyzed that issue in my blog when I talked about my perspective on my friend's action. But, for my friend's perspective, he decided not to be involved in the project since he didn't want to "steal" the credit on project from other intern. I believe that he took that action since he wanted to act like a "good citizen" considering only other intern but not the manager. That is why I think that he should have taken a chance to be part of the project and not harm manager.

      In Korea, internship usually lasts for one summer for sophomores or juniors. For seniors, there are some opportunities where seniors have finished their internship in summer and right after they will be employed and continue to work in the same company. And, it is rare for student intern to have multiple internships in the same company. If so, I think the student intern would have more responsibilities.

      Students with prior military experience don't get different positions as intern.Internship positions and military experience are not related since military service is required for Korean male citizens. In fact, there are many companies that require male candidates to finish their military service prior to application for their company to be considered potential employee.

  2. I agree with your perspective in that your friends should have worked on the project before the other intern came back. It seems like that was a great opportunity for your friend and he did not take it because he was over analyzing the situation. From what you said it sounds like if your friend had taken the opportunity it would not have kept the other intern from working on that project. This is assuming that the project took more than the few days that the other intern was sick for. Waiting on the other intern just wasted company time and honestly may have reflected badly on your friend.

    Hopefully your friend uses this as a learning experience and takes on the next opportunity that presents itself.

    1. Yes. I also think my friend assumed and thought too much about the other intern. Project could have been finished earlier if my friend were helping the manager with the project instead of that intern.


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